And now the not so glamorous side aka the Disadvantages
Now, did I mention there are equally many disadvantages to this seemingly 'glamorous' job? Delays, grumpy passengers, crying kids you are stuck with in the air for 8 or more hours...So what are the dark sides of being a cabin crew?.
1. Tiredness, lack of sleep and those 12 hours shifts....Oh, and let's not forget the jet lag on long flights.
2. Grumpy, annoying and angry passengers - you will get at least one of them nearly on each flight. Some of them seem to travel just to annoy YOU. Some of them completely ignore the rules, thinking that they know it better (even though they have no qualifications in the industry).
Also prepare yourself to be blamed for everything - for delays, for the food, for that crying kid in the last row, for the weather, for the rising fuel prices and also for the mother-in-law....
3. Forget about the family get-togethers at Christmas, New Year's Eve, Easter or other holidays. Most airlines fly every day of the year.
4. Have you ever experienced anyone being sick on you? Well you will experience it in this job...
5. Bad diet. You will eat lots of junk at weird times...And no, it won't help your health or your figure.
6. Knowing that some passengers see you as a "dumb airline waitress", instead of a person who has the ability to deal with fire on board, to deal with medical emergencies, with dangerous goods spillage or with emergencies where passengers need to be evacuated (and they also don't know you are able to do this in 90 seconds or less). Some of the passengers even daring to tell you, what is your job and how you should do it, and pretending how much better they know it... When they have no qualifications in the airline industry...Grrrrrrr....
7. After few years, the job can become boring
8. Your skin, nails and hair will get weak and dry because of the flying, you will constantly need to use moisturizers and conditioners.
9. Saying Hello, welcome on board and Thank you, bye! hundreds of times a day...And smile on top of that. With a jet lag. NOT.FUN.AT.ALL.