it was long ago,
seems like a dream.
the day I sucked the air
from a bottle of whipped cream
and i got real high
and things got real slow
and i started talking like this
what's going on?
i don't know
and then i sold my car
for a Greatful Dead ticket
my dad yelled at me
and he grounded me
and he said i was a dick,
it was the worst day of my life
and i'll never forget
but the very next day
I was doing bong hits
in the back of my friend's chevy
so don't tell me
we're winning the war on drugs
cause drugs are like a bog ol' can of ree
and you're all little bugs
and don't tell me
to not get high
cause i'm as low as i can get
without kissing your ass
and blowing you at the same time