This article shown background and signification of E-waste trafficking problems, handling procedure including a countermeasure against them. At present the world are producing more electronic goods and they becomes more electronic waste. Every year the world produces 40 million tons. These electronic waste often contain toxic materials such as lead and mercury. If the e-waste is not taken care of properly, it can cause pollution and health hazards. we need to get the toxic materials out these waste in the first place. Also, stated most of the e-waste should be recycled. Since then it will be economic-worthy is e-waste has become a highly profitable illegal trade so that is reasons why there remain limits to how much the traffic can be curbed. As you can see, an urgent measures against toxic trash is to adopt legislation and to enforce it . In conclusion, electronic waste is more than an economical problem. It also affects the health of people who living by the waste dumped in their countries.