Using the method of the Korean Food Standards Codex [16], 1 g
of the sample was added to 15 mL 6N HCl, itwas quickly sealed after
being substituted into N2. It was hydrolyzed for 24 hours at 105C
oven , and then was allowed to cool. Deionized water (50 mL) was
set and filtered through a 0.2 mm membrane filter. Taking 2 mL of
sample was analyzed using an amino acid analyzer (pump PU-980,
visible detector, wavelength; 570 nm, 440 nm (for proline); Jasco,
Osaka, Japan). The columnwas analyzed using the gradient method
with an ion exchange column (4.6 mm 60 mm); dose of 10 mL;
column temperature of 30C; column flow 0.999 mL/min; moving
phase buffer solution and ninhydrin solution.
Using the method of the Korean Food Standards Codex [16], 1 gof the sample was added to 15 mL 6N HCl, itwas quickly sealed afterbeing substituted into N2. It was hydrolyzed for 24 hours at 105Coven , and then was allowed to cool. Deionized water (50 mL) wasset and filtered through a 0.2 mm membrane filter. Taking 2 mL ofsample was analyzed using an amino acid analyzer (pump PU-980,visible detector, wavelength; 570 nm, 440 nm (for proline); Jasco,Osaka, Japan). The columnwas analyzed using the gradient methodwith an ion exchange column (4.6 mm 60 mm); dose of 10 mL;column temperature of 30C; column flow 0.999 mL/min; movingphase buffer solution and ninhydrin solution.
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