The analyzed petrographic data have been plotted in QFL
ternary diagram of Ingersoll and Suczek (1979), in which the
studied sandstones plot in the recycled arc province
(Fig. 7, A). The sourcelands of these sediments are uplifted
terranes of folded and faulted strata from which recycled
detritus of sedimentary and metasedimentary origin is especially
prominent (Dickinson and Suczek, 1979). On a QmFLt
plot (Fig. 7, B), where the polycrystalline quartz clasts are
counted as part of the total lithic fragments, the Fat’ha
sandstone samples plot in the recycled orogen provenances,
whereas those of Injana plot in magmatic arc provenances of
Dickinson and Suczek (1979)