Book almost cries when Frame's flirting starts, haha. Wicked Frame! Lovely!
At first, I did not understand why Book almost cries. There is nothing to cry for. I then realized what he has been keeping within wishing to see a sign from Frame that their relationship will somehow proceed being more than friends. Frame has given him some sorts of assurance. I know drama stuff is coming after this and will be resolved in season 2. I don't know how to stand seeing the sad part of their relationship. (I'm crying hard.) TT
Eeee ServerBoy
Eeee ServerBoy10 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Well I guess conflict will either make things worst and complicated, or, it'll just clear the air and solve their issues - turning things better.
let's just say that withtheir issues with life, they need that. lol.
Noh Phun
Noh Phun6 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Idon't think youneed to go that deep into it. What Frame said is really beautiful tho nothing much. I'd also cry if someone tell me that with that intensity. T_T
Ngern Fan
Ngern Fan5 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
+Noh Phun its very deep meaning for Book. Frame told him how he appreciate Books hard work, he is the bookworm, class leader, always try to do his best. I bet he do that to make his Mom proud. And he is alone now, being sent out by his Mom who might not even knows yet how hard Book has been trying at school. Recognition is what Frame has shown Book. And thats the best thing you can get when u tried so hard in ur life to make other happy n proud...
l'm cryin now!!