I was shocked by how she actually went away. I always thought she'd get better and come back she was the sweetest grandma anyone could ever ask for. I still remember when i used to have fights with my mom,which was a normal thing. But when grandma saw that we had arguments,she cried and hugged me and asked me not to argue with mom again.she was hurt by what she saw.she loved her children and grandchildren more than her life. It made me feel overwhelmed by how much a person was capable of so moch love. It is always hard for one to accept a person's loss. I can't imagine how my mom feels. She lost the most important woman in her life. But as we all know, death is an inevitable event. I think that while we still have the chance, the least we can do is share with the people we care about how much they mean to us. Because when they're gone, they won't be able to hear you anymore no matter how loud you cry.