The physicochemical, functional, and thermal properties of protein isolates obtained fromtwo varieties of Bambara groundnut were evaluated. Proteins were isolated using alkalineextraction (isoelectric precipitation [IEP]) and micellisation techniques. IEP recorded ahigher protein yield (56.3–58.2 g/100 g) than the micellised protein (MP) (14.2 – 15.6 g/100g). A similar trend was observed for the protein content of the isolates. The isolates con-tained a high level of lysine, arginine, and glutamic acid compared to soy protein. Minimumsolubility of the flours of the two varieties occured at pH 5. MP isolates exhibited highersolubility than the corresponding isoelectric (IEP) isolates over all pH values. The micel-lised protein recorded superior functional characteristics than the isoelectric isolates. Themicellised isolates also showed a significantly higher (P