Ubosot that houses the Emerald Buddha
The main building is the central Ubosot, which houses the Emerald Buddha. There are three main doors used to enter the temple, however only the King and Queen are allowed to enter through the center door. Even though it is small in size it is the most important icon for Thai people.
This large hall was constructing in 1782. The walls were redecorated with stucco moldings, gilt and decorated with glass mosaics. The six doors of Ubosot are each guarded by a pair of Khmer-style lions. Although the lions have been very much restored it is believed that they belong to the Khmer Bayon style period of the early 13th century.
It is so elaborately decorated on its outside walls with hundreds, if not thousands, of small golden statues of mystical figures. Pictures inside the chapel are not allowed, however the real beauty also is outside.