In the optimum range of pH, the evolution of the decolorization
yield Y as a function of wastewater conductivity displayed a sharp
increase of Y when κ was increased from 5 to 10 mS/cm, followed by a
plateau region above 90% at higher κ values (Fig. 3). Consequently,
specific energy requirements Edye fell at the same time, first because Y
increased, but also because increasing conductivity reduces ohmic
drop as 1/κ [36]. The specific electrode consumption μ (data not
shown) followed exactly the same trends, as Δmexp and faradic yield
were shown to be nearly independent of κ; the plateau value was
about μ≈2.2 kg/kg Al.
Fig. 4 illustrates the influence of the initial dye content. Y exhibited a
plateau value about 90% when [AO7]0 was below 50 mg/L, and
decreased progressively from 90% to 75% when [AO7]0 was increased
from 50 mg/L to 200 mg/L (Fig. 4). As the amount of dye was small,
conductivity and final pH were shown to be independent of [AO7]0. The
same stands for electrode mass loss, cell potential and the amount of
sludge. Energy requirements were about 10 kWh/m3 and Edye varied
mainly as 1/[AO7]0: Edye fell from 120 to 7 kWh/kg dye removed when
[AO7]0 increased from 10 to 200 mg/L, but at the expense of an increase
of the amount of dye remaining in water after EC. Fig. 4 shows first that
decolorization was never complete, even when [AO7]0 was small;
experimental data confirms this result, regardless electrolysis time, pH
and conductivity. This could indicate a decolorization mechanism based
In the optimum range of pH, the evolution of the decolorizationyield Y as a function of wastewater conductivity displayed a sharpincrease of Y when κ was increased from 5 to 10 mS/cm, followed by aplateau region above 90% at higher κ values (Fig. 3). Consequently,specific energy requirements Edye fell at the same time, first because Yincreased, but also because increasing conductivity reduces ohmicdrop as 1/κ [36]. The specific electrode consumption μ (data notshown) followed exactly the same trends, as Δmexp and faradic yieldwere shown to be nearly independent of κ; the plateau value wasabout μ≈2.2 kg/kg Al.Fig. 4 illustrates the influence of the initial dye content. Y exhibited aplateau value about 90% when [AO7]0 was below 50 mg/L, anddecreased progressively from 90% to 75% when [AO7]0 was increasedfrom 50 mg/L to 200 mg/L (Fig. 4). As the amount of dye was small,conductivity and final pH were shown to be independent of [AO7]0. Thesame stands for electrode mass loss, cell potential and the amount ofsludge. Energy requirements were about 10 kWh/m3 and Edye variedmainly as 1/[AO7]0: Edye fell from 120 to 7 kWh/kg dye removed when[AO7]0 increased from 10 to 200 mg/L, but at the expense of an increaseof the amount of dye remaining in water after EC. Fig. 4 shows first thatdecolorization was never complete, even when [AO7]0 was small;experimental data confirms this result, regardless electrolysis time, pHand conductivity. This could indicate a decolorization mechanism based
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