3.3.1 Production losses
All annual crops yield losses were apparent, particularly on upper paddy areas. Participants and key informants pointed out that rice was affected most by the drought. According to Prapertchob et al. (2007), the estimated average rice production loss during drought years ranges between 12% and 55% of the mean annual output. The following quote from the rice farmers (Female, 49 years).
“Our rice crop has failed because of drought……..Good year I harvested 300-350 kg per rai (6.25 rai = One ha) but last year I got at best 50 kg”.
Matured sugarcane yield was also decreased as most of the matured plant dried up while seedlings of sugarcane were not germinated. Participants also expressed that the cassava produced far less roots and weight than the usual yield, fruits tree bear less fruits, new bamboo shoots were limited. Community members felt that their homegarden lost productivity as most of the villagers grew chilli (Capsicum sp.), eggplant (Solanum melongena) and phak whan pa (Melientha suavis Pierre) in their homestead.