This section should specify:
· any additional test milestones and state the time required for each
testing task;
· the schedule for each testing task and test milestone;
· the period of use for all test resources (e.g. facilities, tools, staff).
1.14 Risks and contingencies
This section should identify the high-risk assumptions of the test
plan. It should specify contingency plans for each.
1.15 Approvals
This section should specify the names and titles of all persons who
must approve this plan. Alternatively, approvals may be shown on the title
page of the plan.
2.n.1 Test Design identifier
The title of this section should specify the test design uniquely. The
content of this section should briefly describe the test design.
2.n.2 Features to be tested
This section should identify the test items and describe the features,
and combinations of features, that are to be tested.
For each feature or feature combination, a reference to its
associated requirements in the item requirement specification (URD, SRD)
or design description (ADD, DDD) should be included.
2.n.3 Approach refinements
This section should describe the results of the application of the
methods described in the approach section of the test plan. Specifically it
may define the:
· module assembly sequence (for unit testing);
· paths through the module logic (for unit testing);
· component integration sequence (for integration testing);
· paths through the control flow (for integration testing);
· types of test (e.g. white-box, black-box, performance, stress etc)