The halophilic bacterial strain BTSH10 that showed strong
halocin activity from among the isolates obtained as halophiles
from the saltern pond was selected for further studies. Strain
BTSH03 which showed sensitivity against halocin SH10 was
considered as the indicator organism for determining halocin
activity during the course of the studies. Based on the morphological,
biochemical, physiological characteristics, and molecular
16S ribotyping (data not shown) the halocin producing
strain BTSH10 and the indicator strain BTSH03 were identified
as Natrinema sp. BTSH10 and Halorubrum sp. BTSH03,
respectively. The nucleotide sequences obtained for the 16S
rDNA of the selected bacterial strains were submitted to NCBI
and the allotted accession numbers are JN228202 and
JF830242, for Natrinema sp. BTSH10 and Halorubrum sp
BTSH03, respectively. The genus Natrinema was proposed by
McGenity et al., 1998) to accommodate Natrinema pellirubrum
(formerly Halobacterium salinarum NCIMB 786T) and