IM is an important marketing strategy to service industry. IM
strategy combines with human factor at service marketing and organises
relations defined in the service marketing (internal, external and
interactive) trio [8]. In the hotels one of the sectors, which takes
part in service sector, and where internal-external relations gain
importance showing the value given to employee through internal
marketing will produce significant results in respect to
organizational commitment. Since hotels are service businesses which
have the feature of intense labor, their employee turnover rate is
fairly high. When employees are considered as one of the necessary
factors required for the success of a hotel, training of employees,
development and job satisfaction become more significant. High
satisfaction is associated with more efficiently working employees and
their not searching another work place [9]. Through effective
implementation of internal marketing strategies, businesses increase
internal service quality, employee satisfaction, motivation and
organizational commitment [10 and 11]. Therefore, to satisfy internal
customers, taking advantage of the internal marketing implementation,
the hotel can give significant results in strengthening the
performance and organizational commitment.