consumer requirements are to be of utmost concern. In practical terms, I propose that manufacturers study the opinions and requirements of consumers, and take them into account when they design, produce, and ,sell their- products. When developing a new product, a manufacturer must anticipate consumers' requirements and needs. "There is a saying that "consumer is king." The right of selecting products rests with the consumer.
3. How one interprets the term "quality" is important. In the above definitions, it is interpreted to mean "quality of product," but here I am giving it a broader interpretation.
Narrowly interpreted, quality means quality of product.
Broadly interpreted, quality means quality of work, quality of service, quality of information, quality of process, quality of division, quality of people, including workers, engineers, managers, and ex¬ecutives, quality of system, quality of company, quality of objectives, etc. TO control quality in its every manifestation is our basic approach.
4. No matter how high the quality, if the product is overpriced it cannot gain customer satisfaction. In other words, one cannot define quality without considering price. This is important in planning and designing quality. There can be no quality control which ignores price, profit, and cost control. The same can be said about the amount of production. If a factory cannot get hold of figures for the amount of its production, the amount of its scrap, or the number of defects or reworks needed, it will not be able to ascertain its percent defective (fraction defective) and the rework rate. Without them, it cannot engage in QC. Insufficient supply of a product which is in demand will inconvenience customers. An excessive supply will be a waste of labor, raw materials, and energy. Cost control and quality control are two sides of the same coin. To engage in effective cost control, effective quality control must be implemented. Also when control is to be extended to the amount of production, if the percent defective fluctuates, or if a lot has to be rejected, then there can be no effective production control. One must always strive to supply a product with just quality, just price, and just amount.
To engage in quality control means to
1. use control of quality as the basis.
2. engage in integrated control of cost, price, and profit.
3. control quantity (amount of production, of sales, and in stock) and date of delivery.