Abstract—“PAC-DCA” is a model developed as an application for sufficiency economy based on the concept of three elements and two conditions. Student volunteers’ network plays an important role as core mechanism to drive the model and to foster financial strength of household and community (Baan Sanmafan, Tharnthong Sub-district, Phan District, Chiangrai Province) through the preparation of household accounts. The student volunteers’ networks in this study are students Grade 6 of Baan Sanmafan Primary school and Accounting students Year 2 and 4 of Rajamangala Universtiy of Technology Lanna (Chiangrai).
It is importance to create moderation, reasonableness, and self-immunity under the terms of knowledge and ethics (the concept of three elements and two conditions) to student volunteers’ network and household’s target group in a manner consistent with the role of each person appropriately. Four clear operation are managed together in order to change consciousness of student volunteers’ network and household’s target group to live under the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy. First operation is networking of student volunteers to community. This operation creates a core people to drive household accounting to community. The second is consciousness and public mind awareness, which focuses on applying the principle of accounting in household consumption and living sufficiently. Stimulation and promotion the community knowledge is the third. The last operation; creation a household financial management process, is supported by the senior accounting students to help household manage their finance carefully.