2.3.2. Consumer testing
A consumer test was conducted with 80 consumers (43 females
and 37 males) between the ages of 18e55 years. Each consumer
rated the six yogurt drinks on a 9-point hedonic scale (1 ¼ dislike
extremely to 9 ¼ like extremely) for four liking attributes (overall
acceptability, color, flavor, and mouthfeel). In addition, two background
questions were asked: 1) What is your frequency of
consumption (less than once a week, or more than once a week) of
fermented dairy products like yogurt?; 2) Are you aware of the
health benefits (yes or no) associated with fermented dairy
products? The six yogurt drink samples were served to the
consumer in covered 60-mL plastic soufflé cups with lids (Smart &
Final). Water (Arrowhead) and unsalted crackers (Krispy) were
provided for palate cleansing. Each sample was labeled with
a random 3-digit code, and served in a random order to each
consumer. A fresh batch of each of the six yogurt drinks was
prepared for the consumer test.