The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of occupational socialization
on the perspectives and practices of sport pedagogy doctoral students in terms
of physical education (PE) teaching and physical education teacher education
(PETE). Participants were 12 students. Data were collected through formal and
informal interviews, observations, and self-reflective posters. They were analyzed
using analytic induction and constant comparison. Key findings were that doctoral
students espoused both conservative and liberal forms of PE and PETE. These
views were shaped by the various phases of their socialization. Doctoral students
recalled being oriented to teaching and coaching. The longer coaching orientations
remained intact, the more likely they were to espouse conservative versions of PE
and PETE. The students’ graduate education was shown to be particularly potent
and powerful. This appeared to be due to influential faculty, a practitioner focus
in master’s degree programs, and engagement in undergraduate PETE.