show really good fit. To revise the model, four items (INSRESPO: having more responsibility and control over my jobs; INSCHALL: taking on more challenging work tasks; VALINTER: interesting work; VALPROMMO: opportunities for advancement/promotion) were ex-cluded because of low loadings ( Arnold and Reynolds, 2003). As a result, intrinsic instrumentality included two items: feeling of accomplishment and feeling good about oneself; intrinsic valence included five items: responsibility and control over the job, challenging work, full use of skills and abilities, feeling of accomplishment, and personal growth and development. After deleting two measurement items (VALCHALL: more challenging work tasks and VALGROWI: personal growth and development) because of high measurement errors that exceed 0.5 ( Hair et al., 1998), the revised confirmatory factor analysis showed a good-fit model. The model indices indicated good improvement and an acceptable level: