More about ShinHye
Sorry Everyone, about the article I posted from kdramastars "Park Shin Hye - five facts that may surprise you about this versatile actress", you probably picked up an error from it that ShinHye was not 13 when she took on "Tree of Heaven" but rather she was 15-16 or 16-17 (Korean age) at the time.
On the topic of her "avoiding dating rumour", I have to admit I'm happy for that because I joined this ship only after they "Denied" or "Confirmed to be close friends" only because it allows room for the imagination or spazzing because it's mysterious. Perhaps, I would never have sign-up on Soompi if they didn't denied since I have never before shared any thoughts in any public forums to people I don't know.
ShinHye has been known to be a private person since she never talks about her love-life until she revealed some details early this year. I thought it's interesting now to capture some information on the topic of "Ideal Type, Dating & Marriage", translated this year by the wonderful @TheFoodMonster. Please go to her blog "TheFoodMonsterFeeds" (link) to read-up or re-read some articles translated by her this year….
"So, to Park Shin Hye was an opportunity to show Jo Soo Won PD the true appearance of Park Shin Hye rather than the inexperienced 17 year old Park Shin Hye. Park Shin Hye’s opportunity to show her true image was helped with Park Hye Ryun writer’s ability to create the real world of a reporter’s life. Park Shin Hye said, “Throughout filming the drama, I was happy. It was really fun filming.” and “I still can’t believe that the drama ended. If I just look into space, I feel that the filming set would be right in front of my eyes.” She said while laughing, “During the time, I filmed , Jo Soo Won PD called me ‘Strawberry Princess’, but now he says ‘Now, You Have Grown Up’ while also telling me, ‘Our Strawberry Princess Is Pretty’.”
At the end of “Pinocchio”, Park Shin Hye wore a wedding dress. To see that Choi Inha married at such an early age was similar to Park Shin Hye’s dream. She revealed, “Recently, I met with some of my friends, but one of them said that will go on a blind date.” and “I always wanted to marry quickly at the age of 25 like my mom, so I can happily live like my parents are living right now. However, as I get more projects to do, I want to see and feel more in life and due to that, my thought of marriage becomes more distant.”
She added, “If I think as human Park Shin Hye and not as actress Park Shin Hye, then my first dream that comes up to mind is ‘family’. When I am in my 30s, I will be really be thinking of marriage.” and “I have always wanted to marry a man who is like my dad, but nowadays I believe that a woman like my mom makes a man like my dad. A man becomes what a woman wishes him to become.”
She said, “My mom is the one who supports such a fine man. Therefore, rather than trying to find a man like my dad, it is much quicker for me to become a woman like my mom. I still think becoming a woman like my mom is a bit distant. I am really selfish when I date. Since my schedule always changes, it is difficult for me to find time to meet and I don’t know how to solve problems to match with the other’s ideal time. Each time I come by a similar situation like this, I think, ‘If I was my mom, what would I have done?’.”
We asked her, “Is is alright for you to reveal your dating stories publicly?”
She replied, “I have my experiences dating without the public knowing. If I say I never dated, then isn’t that too much of a lie? ”
So as you can see from my highlights, ShinHye has not really change in the way she responded with regards to her private "love-life" and marriage age still in her 30s. But her "ideal type" has somewhat changes and I like from the latest news article that "she was not particular over outlooks but must be taller than her