I work here but my heart fly away to be around you there.
นั่งทำงานอยู่ที่นี่ แต่หัวใจบินรี่มาที่เธอ
I always have a strong mind. But it seems to melt when I’m near you. Thoughtfulness is a warm feeling
but it tortures my heart so much. I’m afraid you to feel lonely. So I send you love and thoughtfulness. If you say me love, I’ll answer you O.K. If you love me, you must do it with all your heart. No one is more meaning as you are. Are you surprise if someone told she like you? My heart can dance only one step.
It is love…love…love you. I have a heart for you Do you know I miss you so much? You’re always on the top of list in my heart. I’m still the same, all I give you will never change.
>> http://prettyhd.blogspot.com/2013/06/blog-post_284.html