Who are more patient, men or women?
According to the results of an online survey, women are more patient than men - despite a smaller proportion of women to men perceiving themselves as being patient.
Midweek Herald readers seem to agree with the results.
Honiton shopper Roy Swadling said: “I’d second that. I’m not a patient person at all.”
On average, Brits’ patience lasts just two and a half minutes before they snap.
After this, we start huffing and puffing, sighing impatiently and muttering to ourselves. The survey of 3,000 Brits was commissioned by online parcel delivery company myhermes.co.uk
It found a slow internet connection was the thing most likely to get Brits shouting with impatience, followed by slow drivers and being told their phone call is in a queue.
This was followed by traffic jams, friends who are always late, waiting in for a delivery and queuing at the Post Office.
The Midweek Herald asked East Devon residents what they think. Are women more patient than men?
“I don’t think women are at all more patient than men,” said Charles Guest, 65.
Natalie Woollacott, and Sophie Pugsley, both 15, gave their feelings on the subject.
“Women aren’t more patient than men, because we always want something!” said Natalie.
“No - men are always impatient; if they find something hard, it makes them frustrated,” Sophie claimed
“I think it all depends on the person,” said Claire Chivers, a teacher at Honiton Community College.
“Women are able to look at a situation with diversity and act accordingly,” said internationally-acclaimed endurance runner Heather Foundling-Hawker. She added: “Queuing for an ice-cream makes me impatient - especially when the person in front gets a bigger ice-cream!”
Grant Sapsford, 40, shared the dislike of queues, and said “queuing, traffic and women,” were the things which made him most impatient.
Mrs A Kitchen pictured, with her husband, said: “Women are more patient than men.”