If you have any questions, please read the FAQs at the Help menu or contact your local Compliance Coordinator..
To be read by both Employee and Supervisor prior to completing the CID Form. Following are listings of areas to consider which may give rise to actual, potential or apparent conflicts of interest. The listing is not exhaustive and is meant as a reference only for the Employee and Supervisor to consider. For the purposes of conflict of interest, the activities of immediate family members of the Employee are considered the actions of the Employee.
Meals, Entertainment and Gifts
Company Information
Employee Outside Activities
CID System: Quick Reference Guide - For General User (Revised 20Jun2012)
CID Form - Blank Template
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q1. If the employee from International Products has nothing to disclose, can the employee submit the CID Form now or should the employee wait till the due date, 30 September, set by International Products?
The employee may submit the CID Form now if the employee has nothing to disclose, but please remember that if a conflict of interest matter arises after the employee complete the submission, regardless of the 30 September timeline, the employee is required to submit another CID Form describing the new situation.
Q2. Will International Products employees be required to complete the submission of the CID Form every year?
Yes, every year the submission must be completed before 30 September.
Q3. Does the disclosure requirement (including nothing to declare) apply to employee and contractor of International Products?
Yes, as long as they are direct contract hires of Chevron and have network access.
Q4. Does the disclosure requirement (including nothing to declare) apply to those working at the Retail Station?
Yes, they should complete the requirement since they are Chevron employees or direct contract hires of Chevron and have network access.
Q5. Does the disclosure requirement apply to 3rd party contractor?
No, since Chevron has valid contractual arrangement with the contracting company who would have agreed to comply with Chevron’s conflict of interest expectations.
Q6. For employee without network access but meet the requirement in MCPG Section 2 to disclose a conflict of interest, where can I locate a blank CID Form and can it be uploaded into the CID System?
A blank CID Form is available on the Help menu. The employee should be given a hardcopy of the CID Form and complete it for submission to his/her supervisor who will provide the management guidance on the CID Form. Both the employee and the supervisor should retain a copy of the CID Form for record purposes.
Q7. If I receive sensitive information from my Supervisors (e.g. financial information, business strategies, etc.) and I share them with my direct reports so that we can reference to that for discussion and decision making. Would that be considered conflict of interest?
Before sharing this information, you need to ensure that you are authorized to do so and that it is necessary for your team to be informed. Although this will not be considered a conflict of interest, inappropriately sharing sensitive information is a violation of Chevron’s policies. This sensitive information is the exclusive property of Chevron and every employee / contractor who has gained knowledge of it is required to hold the information in trust and must safeguard it.
Q8. If I host a business meal with the contractor after conducting site work and HES inspections and over the meal, we discuss on findings and future actions to be taken. Is that a conflict of interest?
You could be in a conflict of interest situation if it falls under any of these scenarios – 1) it is an extravagant meal; 2) it impacts the contractor’s independent judgment and objectivity in the business or commercial context; or 3) it violates the law. If any of the scenarios happens, you should make a disclosure to seek your supervisor’s guidance. You should also ensure that this entertainment is properly reported in the Travel & Expense Accounting (TEA) System.
Q9. Will other Downstream & Chemicals business units implement this CID System?
This CID System is being evaluated by Downstream & Chemicals and will decide if it is appropriate to expand to other business units. Although this CID System is only required for International Products employees to complete an annual submission, all employees (with network access) currently have access to the CID System.