FA90RHA10 with 40% alkali liquid was
chosen to calculate for cost of geopolymer
mortar calculation because it gave a good
compressive strength at old age and consumed
the RHA up to 10%. From Table 3, it was
calculated from the ratio of cement: water = 1:
0.48 for cement mortar and the weight ratio
of pozzolans: alkali liquid = 0.6: 0.4 for
geopolymer mortar. Carbon tax from cement
industry was used to calculate the cost of
cement mortar. The cost of 1 kg mortar
production from both cement and geopolymers
was compared and it was concluded that
geopolymer was a little more expensive than
cement for approximately 0.45 US dollar/kg.
However, geopolymers are is an alternative
construction material for the future in terms of environment concerng to reduce CO2 emission.