The interventions in the included studies were classified using the fall prevention classification system developed by the Prevention of Falls Network Europe (ProFANE) [23]. This groups studies by setting (nursing/residential care, hospital, community), by combination (single, multifactorial) and by type of intervention including exercise, social environment, environment/assistive technology, knowledge, and other (multi-sensory stimulation). Populations were not homogenous and the Chi-Square test and I2 test [24] revealed significant heterogeneity and thus studies were not pooled in a meta-analysis. Instead we have presented data in the text and in a table with an indication of whether the effect of the intervention was positive, negative or not statistically significant. Where possible we have reported dichotomous outcomes as relative risks or incidence rate ratios and continuous data as mean differences, both with 95% confidence intervals. Where data were not available to allow us to calculate effect sizes we have presented data as reported in the paper (for example P values).