Table 1. Unadjusted mean values for memory, mood, anthropometric and metabolic measures by group*
Placebo (n 7) Concord grape juice (n 5)
Baseline Final Difference Baseline Final Difference
CVLT learning 33·2 33·2 0·0 35·2 38·6 3·4
CVLT recall 5·4 5·0 20·4 6·0 7·2 1·2
S-PAL 2·4 2·0 20·4 2·8 4·5 1·7
GDS 7·8 7·2 20·6 3·0 5·0 2·0
Weight (kg) 74·3 74·9 0·6 79·4 80·4 1·0
Waist (cm) 92·7 93·0 0·3 96·7 97·5 0·8
Glucose (mg/l) 1002 999 23 915 987 72
Insulin (mU/ml) 11·9 11·1 20·8 9·6 12·6 3·0
CVLT, California Verbal Learning Test; S-PAL, Spatial Paired Associate Learning Test; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale.
* Baseline refers to measures obtained at the pre-intervention assessment. Final refers to measures obtained during the
final week of the intervention. Difference ¼ final score less baseline score.