Corn cockle articles
Nielle is called thom in thai which means "fill".
This refers to the art of dec ia surface of utensils in money such as bowls, trays. boxes, services of betel nut or costume jewellery by burning the bottom of the reasons and by filling them with an alloy of lead, copper or silver.
To achieve a corn cockle.
the reasons are first drawn on the surface of silver utensils.
Then the bottom of these reasons is cut which makes the bumpy surface.
The reasons will emerge against a deep background. Meanwhile, lead, copper, or money are melted, crushed into a fine powder and mixed with sulfide.
The result is a black alloy which is then crushed again very finely. The alloy is poured into the parts trimmed, graded.
It's this technique of filling that comes the word thom.
Corn cockle articles Nielle is called thom in thai which means "fill".This refers to the art of dec ia surface of utensils in money such as bowls, trays. boxes, services of betel nut or costume jewellery by burning the bottom of the reasons and by filling them with an alloy of lead, copper or silver. To achieve a corn cockle. the reasons are first drawn on the surface of silver utensils. Then the bottom of these reasons is cut which makes the bumpy surface. The reasons will emerge against a deep background. Meanwhile, lead, copper, or money are melted, crushed into a fine powder and mixed with sulfide. The result is a black alloy which is then crushed again very finely. The alloy is poured into the parts trimmed, graded. It's this technique of filling that comes the word thom.
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