1.6 Performance of Individuals and Groups
1. Understand the key dimensions of individual-level performance.
2. Understand the key dimensions of group-level performance.
3. Know why individual- and group-level performance goals need to be compatible.
1. Individual-Level Performance
▪ In-role performance or things you have to do in your job
▪ Extra-role performance or organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs)
2. Group-Level Performance
▪ Group-level performance focuses on both the outcomes and process of collections of individuals, or groups.
▪ Process loss is any aspect of group interaction that inhibits good problem solving.
▪ Team is a cohesive coalition of people working together to achieve the team agenda (i.e., teamwork).
3. Compatibility of Individual and Group Performance
▪ Compatibility of individual and group performance, typically with respect to goals and incentives.