that different movements attract different individuals, it is also open Wallis , are made clear whether the teachings of the movements in the beliefs and outlooks of he member to the world the different orientations Wallis pays insuficient to or views that often exists within a or coli The term world rejecting' is pro since all groups rely upon contacts with the wider economi system for the survival and therefore can nev entirely reject the world (pp. 71, 900 NEW AGE MOVEMENTS New Age Movements are religious or spirinial movements which are new to the country of their practice and which are characterised by an emphasis on individual and planetary spiritual growth Catherine Albarese provides the following description of the New Age Movement To evoke the New Age is in , to mood, a moment, or in what is perhaps the decription a language for the New Age is above religions community that elicits certain forms of a lion, The New Age has no central church or organisation authoritative denominational , no creevlil P form, no sectarian tests for indusion or enuiion identity is elusive, (1992,)