Good morning Tsering,
Step# 1 QC : Bad parts from :
1) We assemble failed if :
1.1) front spring out of shape => Remove front spring and reuse the central part in factory.
1.2) Central part bend => Separate them to bad parts box and move out from factory and update report.
2) Found bad parts before assembly => We move out from factory and update report.
We move bad parts form St#1 in 2 -3 days/times or end of week. My workers inform me everyday from every step# if them found fail parts or assemble failed.
Step# 3 QC : About bad parts on St#3 those pieces come from St#2 (Please see the picture below).
Look at the yellow circle the number come from step# before.
For example St# 2 the bad parts about mark on skin or furck out of shape (7 pieces)
And white circle the number of bad parts are increase from step# before.
Yes, Some pieces the problem come out of the machine. If found we will inform you immediately for adjust or find solution the clear the problem. Also, My side have bad parts from assemble failed too.(About 1-1.5 % per day)
(Now assembly 600 pcs/day)
Thank you very much Tsering, It make us to communication as well.
Thank you,