Try to collect data for as many plots as you can. The more data we have the better. When you get back to the lab, enter your data into this datasheet: pcq_tree_data_entry_table.xls. See the instructions below on downloading your GPS position.
Tree Heights: For each of your trees, I would like to calculate the tree height. As we have done in previous labs, this involves moving back far enough from the tree that you can see the top and then measuring the angles to the top and bottom of the tree (using a clinometers) and recording your distance from the tree when you take these angle measurements. The pcq_tree_data_entry_table.xls has places to enter these values and I have set up a formula that will do the tree height calculation for you.
The Study Area: The study area for this lab is the along the South Fork of the Nooksack River. Confine your sampling to the forested areas and try to get at least one plot in a conifer-dominated site and at least one in a site dominated by deciduous trees. We will work in groups of about 4 people.