unctional role of each unit (Figure 33.1):
1 Coal storage vessel:
• Here pulverized coal is stored.
• Produced coal is fed to the preheater by a screw conveyor.
• Hydrogen gas stream is added to the fed.
• Hydrogen is obtained from any dehydrogenation process or any other hydrogen synthesis ...process.
• Pressure equalizing line is used to maintain pressure of reaction mixture stream with the help ...of valve.
(b) Preheater:
• Powdered coal and hydrogen are the raw material fed to the pre-heater.
• Optimum temperature is required for reaction so reaction mixture is preheated instead of feeding it in reactor directly.
• Heat required for preheating is supplied by furnace.
• In furnace, combustion of fuel gases is occurring and all hot gases from furnace are passed from pre-heater.