The altering of time has unleashed an unrelenting ancient force who is determined to cause an apocalypse unlike any in human history. En Sabah Nur believes the civilization is in need of one giant culling. He can be anything, he can do anything. The idea of the first mutant and the idea that he wouldn’t be called a mutant back in ancient Egypt. What would he be? God. He would be a god on Earth with followers. He doesn’t think of himself as a mutant; humans are mutants, everything’s a mutant – things that evolve. His powers are vast and not entirely known. He’s exhibited abilities of telekinesis – creating pyramids with a single thought, telepathy, superhuman strength, speed, and can manipulate molecular and energy properties, changing his own form and size. He recruits powerful mutants, willingly and unwillingly, who assist him in his mission as the four horsemen of Apocalypse.