Timeliness is a measurement of patient ability to access
healthcare services once a need has been identified. The mission
of Healthy People 2020, a government initiative, is to
identify nationwide health improvement priorities and health
measures that serve as indicators of progress toward achieving
those goals (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
2012). Actual and perceived difficulties or delays in getting
care reflect significant barriers to care. The dilemma has gained
momentum as a healthcare priority because the United States
already is developing of new models of care that are essential
to meet the increasing demand for services.
The participants in the current study largely consisted of
well-educated Caucasian women who actively participated in
their medical care. Future studies could examine timeliness
data points for a public hospital that could provide a more ethnically
diverse population. A needs assessment of that group
is suggested to determine the need for a designated navigator
role to assist in providing timely access to healthcare services
for underserved populations.
In the current study, a hospital-based practice specializing
in breast cancer care was used to identify key data points from
abnormal breast imaging to surgery. The APN in the multidisciplinary
collaborative practice setting was identified as key in
facilitating timely access to healthcare services. The APN collaborates
with other team members to develop a care plan that
is based on individual needs assessment and evidence-based
practice standards that optimize patient outcomes.
Using the physician and APN practice model at the study
site was instrumental in influencing patient timely access to
services. In that role, the APN can implement the care plan and
provide ongoing education to patients and staff regarding the
need for timeliess as a measure of quality. Identifying potential
barriers to patient access to care, advocating on behalf of the