It will not be possible for me to do the same from Danish to Thai, because I do not know the Thai script.
Here are answers to your questions: I have had a profile on this site for a long time; but I have not been active all the time. And I like American comedy film.
Google translation is good, especially between Danish and English; but not everything is translated correctly. For example, the Danish word "spiller" means "player" or "gambler", and it's obviously not, what you wanted to
Knus Orla.
15 นาฬิกา 15 นาที
(Heart) (BrokenHeart) (Bear) (Bomb) (Coffee) (Confusion) (Devil)
(Discontent) (Doctor) (Embarrassment) (Fear) (Flower) (Girl) (Indifference)
(Joy) (Love) (OK) (Pleasure) (Prayer) (RedEvil) (Rose)
(Sleep) (Smile) (Smoking) (Spite) (SunGlasses) (Tear) (Teeth)
(Trouble) (Weeping) (Wonder) (Yawning) (wink) (tongue) (confused)
(sad) (shade) (star) (lightbulb) (kiss) (cocktail) (present)
(clock) (camera) (email) (note) (phone) (thumbs_down) (thumbs_up)