Joe seems to like his course.
He seems to be settling in well.
He seems to have made a lot of friends.
He seems to have been working hard.
He seems to be regarded as a good student.
He seems to have been awarded excellent marks.
I want to win.
We intend to complain.
To fail now would be very frustrating.
To tell the truth can be very difficult.
To understand is to forgive.
The purpose of this valve is to control the flow.
My plan is to spend two nights in Taipei.
The idea is to meet at 6.30 for dinner.
David and I agreed to meet at 4 o'clock.
I'll arrange to see the dentist straight away.
I hope to go university.
I managed to repair the lock.
I'm going to meet Philip tomorrow.
We intend to move house soon.
I'm longing to see you.
I like to get up early in the mornings.
I'd hate to make a mistake.
I'd love to go to the museum.
Maggie began to cry.
It's starting to rain.
Jane continued to read her novel.
Joe has decided to train as a doctor.
Paul has learnt to swim.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
Mum promised to drive me to the class.
Dad refused to sign the document.
We want to have a meal before the concert.
Try to keep calm.
They seem to approve of my idea.
John appeared to know all the answers.
I hadn't planned to take a holiday just yet.
Dad refused to give me any more money.
Charlie offered to cook dinner for us all.
Did you expect to succeed?
I have (or have got) leave in five minutes.
I've forgotten to bring my passport.
Do you need to change any money?
Did you remember to close the windows?
You deserved to win.
I prefer to write my novels by hand.
I can't bear to cause unhappiness.
We regret to announce that tonight's performance is cancelled.
Promise never to tell anyone.
I prefer not to drive at night.
She seemed not to realize her danger.
I managed not to laugh.
Try not to get so angry.
The travel agency allowed us to change our booking.
Sue asked me to help her.
The policeman told us sto wait.
Anne persuaded me to join her choir.
Remind me to buy more noodles.
We expect you to do your best.
Who taught those girls to dance?
We want you all to concentrate.
I forbid you to use my car.
The captain permitted the passengers to leave the ship.
The doctor advised us to take vitamin pills.
I warned Maggie not to leave money around.
Maggie was warned not to leave any money around.
We were advised by the doctor to take vitamin pills.
You are forbiden to use my car.
arrange for: I've arranged for you to see the dentist.
ask for: We asked for our bags to be delivered to our hotel.
long for: I was longing for the lesson to end.
wait for: Wait for me to give the signal.
Julie was afraid to cross the road.
I'm so glad to see you.
I'm reluctant to lend you any more money.
I'm sorry to report that we lost the match.
I'm pleased to say the children behaved excellently.
The kids are all keen to be in the team.
I'm determined to get that job.
They were eager to hear the latest news.
I'm so relieved to know the money arrived safely.
Jim was the first to arrive.
Helen was the last to leave.
Dave was the only one to apologize. (Dave was the only one who did apologize)
Dan was likely to win.
We're unlikely to meet again.
I'm sure to see Jane in the next few days.
It's certain to rain tomorrow.
Anne is bound to be late.
I'm liable to forget.
The train's due to leave in two minutes.
You're welcome to come with me.
Mum's willing to help.
Were you able to contact her?
Are you ready to begin?
I'm not prepared to tolerate this misbehaviour.
I was wrong to blame Susie for the mess.
You were lucky to escape!
I was silly to give up.
Science programmes are so interesting to watch.
Are these nuts good to eat?
English verbs are not very easy to learn.
Those maths problems were difficult to solve.
These sums are quite simple to do.
The possibilities are frightening to contemplate.
I prefer children as models - they're delightful to paint.
This futon is very comfortable to sleep on.
Elizabeth is fascinating to talk to.
She's so entertaining to be with.
That's an unusual question to ask.
Who's the best person to consult?
This is a comfortable futon to sleep on.
Elizabeth is a fascinating girl to talk to.
We considered you the right person to appoint.
I found Ruth a delightful companion to travel with.
Cheerio - I'm off to visit Peter.
Dad was about to serve lunch.
Sam is out to get the top job. (=He's determined to get it)
I've no desire to be famous.
I felt an inclination to hit him.
We respected Dad's wish to be barried in his native village.
Kate had no ambition to travel the world.
There's no need to apologize.
Jim's decision to retire surprised us all.
There'll be an opportunity to ask questions later.
I need time to think.
John sent me a reminder to book seats.
We waited for the order to advance.
You were a fool not to claim the reward.
Your cooking is always a pleasure to sample.
These children are a delight to teach.
Cricket is such a bore to take part in.
The games must be a nightmare to organize.
I phoned for a taxi to take us to the airport.
Here's a pill to help you sleep.
We employed a guide to lead us up the mountain.
Have you got a video to keep the children quiet?
Take a book to read in case you get bored.
Bring a mat to sit on.
We've got a problem to discuss.
I've a sin to confess.
Have you all got something to eat?
I've got nothing to wear.
Isn't there anything else to watch?
We have plenty to get on with.
The children get lots to do on the farm.
Have you any goods to declare?
Is there anywhere to talk privately?
It's silly to argue.
It was kind of you to visit my mother.
It was stupid of me not to note the time.
It's a priviledge to work with you.
It would be a shame to give up now.
It's my ambition to write a best-seller.
It's my plan to finish most of the work by the end of June.
It's nice to be home.
It's never a good idea to go without sleep.
Is it time to leave?
It's important to plan your day in advance.
It's sensible to check in early.
It was a pleasure to meet you.
It will be a good opportunity to see Hong Kong.
I've arranged for the furniture to go into storage.
I asked for the date to be changed.
The idea is for everyone to stay at our house.
It's a great opportunity for us to meet the students.
Isn't it time for us to leave?
It's ridiculous for us all to squeeze into one car.
The situation is difficult for strangers to understand.
Is it possible for you all to be ready by nine?
It's impossible for them to do the journey in two hours!
Are these nuts OK for humans to eat?
Are you old enough to drive?
It's too late to telephone now.
I haven't enough money to pay the bill.
The part is too long for a single actor to play.
It's too wet to go for a walk.
He's tall enough to touch the ceiling.
I hope I've worked hard enough to pass my exams.
I've been too busy to read the papers.
I'm too short-sighted to risk driving without spectacles.
It's too foggy to see the island today.
Some of the exercises ar etoo strenuous for girls to perform.
Is the sea warm enough to swim in?
Are the puzzles easy enough for children to solve?
In London it was hot enough to go out without a coat.
You are to stop writing immediately.
You are to be back before midnight.
You are to apologize to your mother for your rudeness.
We are to report to headquarters at eight o'clock.
The Minister is to return to Singapore later this evening.
The celebrations were to have been held last week, but there was a delay.
Your e-mail message said I was to come straight here.
The wedding is not to take place after all.
Helen is learning how to drive.
Sue asked me where to buy the best computer.
Dad told me which key to press.
I didn't know what to do.
I had no idea who to ask.
Let me know how many copies to print.
The nurse told me which pills to take.
I can't think what to write.
Tell me when to stop pouring.
Could you remind me how many flour to use?
Does the recipe say how long to boil the mixture for?
I'm wondering what clothes to buy for my trip.
Arrive early so as to get a good seat.
Sit near the front in order to get a good view.
The baby was taken to the clinic to get her injections.
I'm going to the shops to buy some food.
To speed up the work, we employed extra staff.
To be fair, she didn't mean to cause trouble.
To be honest, I didn't like the play much.
To put it more simply, a fact is just an interpretation