Man1: Here, you be careful. Better give ‘im a flower for it. There’s a bloke here behind that
pillar…takin’ down every blessed word you’re sayin’.
Eliza: I ain’t done nothin’ wrong by speakin’ to the gentleman.
I’ve a right t’ sell flow’rs if I keep off the curb. I’m a respectable girl, so help me.
I never spoke to him except to ask him to buy a flow’r off me.
Man 2: What ‘s all the bloomin’ noise?
Man 3: there’s a tec takin’ her down.
Eliza: I’m makin’ an honest livin’.
Gentleman: Who’s doing all that shouting?
Eliza: Sir, don’t let ‘im charge me. You dunno what it means to me. They’ll take away me
character and drive me on the street…for speakin’ t’ gentlemen.
Henry: There, there, there. Who’s hurting you, you silly girl? What’d you take me for?
Eliza: On my Bible oath, I never spoke a word.
Henry: Shut up! Shut up! Do I look like a policeman?