After I conquered the 【Age of the Gods dungeon】, my level went up greatly.
Since it’s an 【Age of the Gods dungeon】, the dungeon monsters that spawn there are viciously difficult. Even the small fry offer considerable experience.
Various bonuses are added to the huge amount of experience that you get from floor bosses, due to their nature.
Would I get another 【Rank Up】 if I dive a 【Demigod rank】【Age of the Gods dungeon】 again?
In a 【God rank】 one, it’s likely that it might go even faster.
Speaking of 【Rank Up】.
I’m satisfied with my current state as 【Apostle Lord ・ Extinct Species】, but when I think about the future, I worry in a lot of ways.
I want to fight a 【Wisdom Dragon】, which has high intelligence, a huge amount of magical power and above all a huge, though body.
Even Wyverns, like the Jadar Wyvern, are tasteful up to a certain extent, and the materials you can get from them can be processed in good quality magic armor.
It only feels natural for me to make an effort to eat one.
Up to now, I’ve been aiming for existences such as 【Heroes】 and 【Great Heroes】, but there’s a possibility of fighting against other existences that have a high likelihood of owning different 【Psalms】 such as 【Demon Kings】, the 【Demon Emperor】, the 【Beast King】, the 【Spirit Emperor】 and the 【Regal Order】.
Of course, I’d probably still get decent experience from fighting 【Heroes】 and 【Great Heroes】, but I can’t confirm that as I’ve never fought one. Then again, I did hunt the “Shark Head ・ Thunder Wyrm” while going easy on him.
There’s the chance that as long as I’m an apostle lord, I’ll run into a situation in the future where it’s possible that I won’t have enough strength to overcome it.
If I think about fighting the existence of the White Stag that I came across while I was going through the ≪Cluster Mountain Range≫ where the “Fomor” live; I’d say it might be possible if I strengthen myself.
However, now due to my 【Rank Up】, it’ll be even harder than before to obtain abilities.
Though maybe there’s no need for any concern because the current me is good enough, and I have a wide range of a lot of abilities and its uses. But umm, I’m still worried.
Oh well, I’ll think about it when the time comes.
I’ve stopped to give it any more thought.