is that the knee self-massage study [3] was
focused solely on the quadriceps muscle, while the massage in our
current study focused on both the quadriceps and the hamstrings
muscles. The authors of the self-massage study claim that despite
earlier research on joint cartilage degeneration as the key factor in
knee arthritis, recent research has focused on the quadriceps
muscle, claiming that muscle weakness that affects joint loading
and proprioceptive deficits has contributed to knee arthritis [14]
Others have also found correlations between weak quadriceps
muscles, increased pain and inferior walking patterns [9]. That
was the rationale for the self-massage study focusing on the
quadriceps muscle [3]. However, the findings from the present
study suggest that it may be necessary to massage both the
hamstrings and the quadriceps muscles to achieve increased ROM
insofar as the hamstring muscles are noted to work together to
flex the knee.