In the present study, exogenous application of MA, one of the
major organic acids present in fruit, exhibited the potential to
alleviate CI symptoms to delay skin browning of banana fruit under
low-temperature conditions. Suppression of CI by MA treatment
was associated with the reduction of MDA accumulation and PPO
and POD activities, low levels of superoxide anion generation and
H2O2 content, as well as relatively high antioxidant activities.
Correlation with previous reports suggested that application of
organic acids such as MA, OA, CA, and SA, has the potential for
alleviating CI symptoms, extending shelf life, and enhancing
pathogen defense on fruit by reducing skin browning and inducing antioxidant activity during storage.
In the present study, exogenous application of MA, one of themajor organic acids present in fruit, exhibited the potential toalleviate CI symptoms to delay skin browning of banana fruit underlow-temperature conditions. Suppression of CI by MA treatmentwas associated with the reduction of MDA accumulation and PPOand POD activities, low levels of superoxide anion generation andH2O2 content, as well as relatively high antioxidant activities.Correlation with previous reports suggested that application oforganic acids such as MA, OA, CA, and SA, has the potential foralleviating CI symptoms, extending shelf life, and enhancingpathogen defense on fruit by reducing skin browning and inducing antioxidant activity during storage.
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