ฉันรักแปลThere was once a king and a queen. Every day they said, "Ah! if only we had a child. "But child, period. One day the queen was bathing, a frog jumped out of the water and said, "Your wish will be fulfilled. Before a year has passed, you will put a girl in the world. "What the frog had said came. The queen gave birth to a daughter. She was so beautiful that the king could not contain himself with joy. He organized a big party. He was not content to invite parents, friends and acquaintances, but also invited the fairies so they were favorable to the child. There were thirteen of them in his kingdom. But, as he had only twelve golden plates for them to eat, one of them was not invited.
The party was wonderful. As she was nearing its end, fairies offered to children of fabulous gifts: one virtue, another beauty, a third riches and so on, all that is desirable in the world. As eleven fairies were to do so, the thirteenth came suddenly. She wanted revenge for not having been invited. Without greeting anyone, she cried with a loud voice, "The king's daughter, in her fifteenth year, will prick in a spindle and fall down dead. "Then she left the room. Everyone was very scared. The twelfth fairy, one that had not yet formed his vow, then stepped forward. And as she could not undo the curse, but only make it less dangerous, she said: "It will not be a real death, only sleep one hundred years in which to dive the king's daughter.”The king, who would have liked to preserve his adored child of misfortune, ordered all time were burned in the kingdom. However, all the gifts he had given the fairies flourished in the girl. She was so beautiful, so virtuous, so nice and so reasonable that all who saw her loved her.
It happened that the day of his fifteenth year, the king and queen left their home. The girl was left alone in the castle. She walked over there, visiting rooms and bedrooms to his fancy. Finally, she went into an old tower. She climbed the narrow spiral staircase and reached a little door. In the lock, there was a rusty key. She turned. The door burst open. An old woman spinning her flax diligently sat in a small room.
"Hi, Grandma, 'said the girl. What are you doing here?
- I'm off, 'said the old woman, shaking her head.
- What exactly is this thing you do so joyously leap? "Asked the girl.
She took the time and tried to spin in turn. No sooner had she touched the curse was fulfilled, she pricked her finger. At the same time, she sank down on a bed that was there and fell into a deep sleep. And sleep spread throughout the castle. The king and queen, who had just come back and entered the great hall of the palace slept. And with them the whole court. The horses fell asleep in their stables, dogs in the yard, the pigeons on the roof, flies against the walls. Even the fire burning in the fireplace fell asleep and stopped the roast to roast. The cook, who was going to pull the hair of the kitchen boy because he had missed a dish, let go and fell asleep. And the wind ceased. No leaf did not move on the trees in front of the castle. Around the palace, a hedge of thorns began to push, which every day became taller and bushier. Soon she completely surrounded the castle, until no longer see her in anything, not even the flag on the roof.
The Sleeping Beauty - Illustration 1
In the country, the legend of the Sleeping Beauty - thus was called the king's daughter - was spreading. From time to time, the king's son approached the castle and tried to penetrate through the thick wall of thorns. But they failed to do so. The thorns stood between them, for the hands. The young princes remained hung, unable to detach and died there, a cruel death.
After many, many years, the son of a king passed by the country. An old man told him the story of the thorn hedge. Behind her, there had to be a castle in which slept for a hundred years, the beautiful daughter of a king, called Sleeping Beauty. She slept with the king and queen and the whole court. The old man had learned from his grandfather that many princes had already come and tried to force the hedge of thorns; but they were still stuck there and died a sad death. The young man said, "I'm not afraid of anything, I'll go. I want to see Sleeping Beauty. "
The old man tried to stop, but it was in vain, the prince did not listen. Now the hundred years were just passed and the day had come when Sleeping Beauty was awake. When the king's son approached the thorny hedge, he saw beautiful flowers that departed for themselves in its path and left him the way. Behind him, they re-formed a hedge. In the castle, he saw the horses and hounds spotted sleeping. On the roof, pigeons stood head under the wing. And when he entered the palace, he saw the flies were asleep against the walls. The cook in the kitchen had his hand raised as if to catch the kitchen boy and sat right in front of a black hen she would pluck. Up on the steps of the throne, the king and queen were asleep. The prince went on his way and the silence was so deep he heard his own breath. Finally, he reached the tower and opened the door of the little room where the Belle slept.
She was there, so pretty that he could not look away. He leaned over her and kissed her. So the Sleeping Beauty awoke, opened his eyes and smiled at him. They both went out and the King awoke in turn, and the queen, and the whole court. And everyone looked at him with wide eyes.
In the stables, the horses stood on their feet and snorted; hunting dogs bounded tail wagging. On the roof, pigeons out their heads from under their wings, looked around and flew to the countryside. The flies on the walls, resumed their movement; in the kitchen, the fire was kindled, blazed and did bake the meal. The roast began to brown; Cook gave a slap in the kitchen boy so hard that it called in, and good finished plucking the chicken.
The marriage of the Prince and Sleeping Beauty was celebrated with a great pomp. And they lived happily until they died.
ฉันรักแปลThere was once a king and a queen. Every day they said, "Ah! if only we had a child. "But child, period. One day the queen was bathing, a frog jumped out of the water and said, "Your wish will be fulfilled. Before a year has passed, you will put a girl in the world. "What the frog had said came. The queen gave birth to a daughter. She was so beautiful that the king could not contain himself with joy. He organized a big party. He was not content to invite parents, friends and acquaintances, but also invited the fairies so they were favorable to the child. There were thirteen of them in his kingdom. But, as he had only twelve golden plates for them to eat, one of them was not invited. The party was wonderful. As she was nearing its end, fairies offered to children of fabulous gifts: one virtue, another beauty, a third riches and so on, all that is desirable in the world. As eleven fairies were to do so, the thirteenth came suddenly. She wanted revenge for not having been invited. Without greeting anyone, she cried with a loud voice, "The king's daughter, in her fifteenth year, will prick in a spindle and fall down dead. "Then she left the room. Everyone was very scared. The twelfth fairy, one that had not yet formed his vow, then stepped forward. And as she could not undo the curse, but only make it less dangerous, she said: "It will not be a real death, only sleep one hundred years in which to dive the king's daughter.”The king, who would have liked to preserve his adored child of misfortune, ordered all time were burned in the kingdom. However, all the gifts he had given the fairies flourished in the girl. She was so beautiful, so virtuous, so nice and so reasonable that all who saw her loved her. It happened that the day of his fifteenth year, the king and queen left their home. The girl was left alone in the castle. She walked over there, visiting rooms and bedrooms to his fancy. Finally, she went into an old tower. She climbed the narrow spiral staircase and reached a little door. In the lock, there was a rusty key. She turned. The door burst open. An old woman spinning her flax diligently sat in a small room. "Hi, Grandma, 'said the girl. What are you doing here? - I'm off, 'said the old woman, shaking her head. - What exactly is this thing you do so joyously leap? "Asked the girl. She took the time and tried to spin in turn. No sooner had she touched the curse was fulfilled, she pricked her finger. At the same time, she sank down on a bed that was there and fell into a deep sleep. And sleep spread throughout the castle. The king and queen, who had just come back and entered the great hall of the palace slept. And with them the whole court. The horses fell asleep in their stables, dogs in the yard, the pigeons on the roof, flies against the walls. Even the fire burning in the fireplace fell asleep and stopped the roast to roast. The cook, who was going to pull the hair of the kitchen boy because he had missed a dish, let go and fell asleep. And the wind ceased. No leaf did not move on the trees in front of the castle. Around the palace, a hedge of thorns began to push, which every day became taller and bushier. Soon she completely surrounded the castle, until no longer see her in anything, not even the flag on the roof. The Sleeping Beauty - Illustration 1 In the country, the legend of the Sleeping Beauty - thus was called the king's daughter - was spreading. From time to time, the king's son approached the castle and tried to penetrate through the thick wall of thorns. But they failed to do so. The thorns stood between them, for the hands. The young princes remained hung, unable to detach and died there, a cruel death. After many, many years, the son of a king passed by the country. An old man told him the story of the thorn hedge. Behind her, there had to be a castle in which slept for a hundred years, the beautiful daughter of a king, called Sleeping Beauty. She slept with the king and queen and the whole court. The old man had learned from his grandfather that many princes had already come and tried to force the hedge of thorns; but they were still stuck there and died a sad death. The young man said, "I'm not afraid of anything, I'll go. I want to see Sleeping Beauty. "The old man tried to stop, but it was in vain, the prince did not listen. Now the hundred years were just passed and the day had come when Sleeping Beauty was awake. When the king's son approached the thorny hedge, he saw beautiful flowers that departed for themselves in its path and left him the way. Behind him, they re-formed a hedge. In the castle, he saw the horses and hounds spotted sleeping. On the roof, pigeons stood head under the wing. And when he entered the palace, he saw the flies were asleep against the walls. The cook in the kitchen had his hand raised as if to catch the kitchen boy and sat right in front of a black hen she would pluck. Up on the steps of the throne, the king and queen were asleep. The prince went on his way and the silence was so deep he heard his own breath. Finally, he reached the tower and opened the door of the little room where the Belle slept. She was there, so pretty that he could not look away. He leaned over her and kissed her. So the Sleeping Beauty awoke, opened his eyes and smiled at him. They both went out and the King awoke in turn, and the queen, and the whole court. And everyone looked at him with wide eyes. In the stables, the horses stood on their feet and snorted; hunting dogs bounded tail wagging. On the roof, pigeons out their heads from under their wings, looked around and flew to the countryside. The flies on the walls, resumed their movement; in the kitchen, the fire was kindled, blazed and did bake the meal. The roast began to brown; Cook gave a slap in the kitchen boy so hard that it called in, and good finished plucking the chicken. The marriage of the Prince and Sleeping Beauty was celebrated with a great pomp. And they lived happily until they died.
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ฉันรักแปลThere was once a king and a queen. Every day they said, "Ah! if only we had a child. "But child, period. One day the queen was bathing, a frog jumped out of the water and said, "Your wish will be fulfilled. Before a year has passed, you will put a girl in the world. "What the frog had said came. The queen gave birth to a daughter. She was so beautiful that the king could not contain himself with joy. He organized a big party. He was not content to invite parents, friends and acquaintances, but also invited the fairies so they were favorable to the child. There were thirteen of them in his kingdom. But, as he had only twelve golden plates for them to eat, one of them was not invited.
The party was wonderful. As she was nearing its end, fairies offered to children of fabulous gifts: one virtue, another beauty, a third riches and so on, all that is desirable in the world. As eleven fairies were to do so, the thirteenth came suddenly. She wanted revenge for not having been invited. Without greeting anyone, she cried with a loud voice, "The king's daughter, in her fifteenth year, will prick in a spindle and fall down dead. "Then she left the room. Everyone was very scared. The twelfth fairy, one that had not yet formed his vow, then stepped forward. And as she could not undo the curse, but only make it less dangerous, she said: "It will not be a real death, only sleep one hundred years in which to dive the king's daughter.”The king, who would have liked to preserve his adored child of misfortune, ordered all time were burned in the kingdom. However, all the gifts he had given the fairies flourished in the girl. She was so beautiful, so virtuous, so nice and so reasonable that all who saw her loved her.
It happened that the day of his fifteenth year, the king and queen left their home. The girl was left alone in the castle. She walked over there, visiting rooms and bedrooms to his fancy. Finally, she went into an old tower. She climbed the narrow spiral staircase and reached a little door. In the lock, there was a rusty key. She turned. The door burst open. An old woman spinning her flax diligently sat in a small room.
"Hi, Grandma, 'said the girl. What are you doing here?
- I'm off, 'said the old woman, shaking her head.
- What exactly is this thing you do so joyously leap? "Asked the girl.
She took the time and tried to spin in turn. No sooner had she touched the curse was fulfilled, she pricked her finger. At the same time, she sank down on a bed that was there and fell into a deep sleep. And sleep spread throughout the castle. The king and queen, who had just come back and entered the great hall of the palace slept. And with them the whole court. The horses fell asleep in their stables, dogs in the yard, the pigeons on the roof, flies against the walls. Even the fire burning in the fireplace fell asleep and stopped the roast to roast. The cook, who was going to pull the hair of the kitchen boy because he had missed a dish, let go and fell asleep. And the wind ceased. No leaf did not move on the trees in front of the castle. Around the palace, a hedge of thorns began to push, which every day became taller and bushier. Soon she completely surrounded the castle, until no longer see her in anything, not even the flag on the roof.
The Sleeping Beauty - Illustration 1
In the country, the legend of the Sleeping Beauty - thus was called the king's daughter - was spreading. From time to time, the king's son approached the castle and tried to penetrate through the thick wall of thorns. But they failed to do so. The thorns stood between them, for the hands. The young princes remained hung, unable to detach and died there, a cruel death.
After many, many years, the son of a king passed by the country. An old man told him the story of the thorn hedge. Behind her, there had to be a castle in which slept for a hundred years, the beautiful daughter of a king, called Sleeping Beauty. She slept with the king and queen and the whole court. The old man had learned from his grandfather that many princes had already come and tried to force the hedge of thorns; but they were still stuck there and died a sad death. The young man said, "I'm not afraid of anything, I'll go. I want to see Sleeping Beauty. "
The old man tried to stop, but it was in vain, the prince did not listen. Now the hundred years were just passed and the day had come when Sleeping Beauty was awake. When the king's son approached the thorny hedge, he saw beautiful flowers that departed for themselves in its path and left him the way. Behind him, they re-formed a hedge. In the castle, he saw the horses and hounds spotted sleeping. On the roof, pigeons stood head under the wing. And when he entered the palace, he saw the flies were asleep against the walls. The cook in the kitchen had his hand raised as if to catch the kitchen boy and sat right in front of a black hen she would pluck. Up on the steps of the throne, the king and queen were asleep. The prince went on his way and the silence was so deep he heard his own breath. Finally, he reached the tower and opened the door of the little room where the Belle slept.
She was there, so pretty that he could not look away. He leaned over her and kissed her. So the Sleeping Beauty awoke, opened his eyes and smiled at him. They both went out and the King awoke in turn, and the queen, and the whole court. And everyone looked at him with wide eyes.
In the stables, the horses stood on their feet and snorted; hunting dogs bounded tail wagging. On the roof, pigeons out their heads from under their wings, looked around and flew to the countryside. The flies on the walls, resumed their movement; in the kitchen, the fire was kindled, blazed and did bake the meal. The roast began to brown; Cook gave a slap in the kitchen boy so hard that it called in, and good finished plucking the chicken.
The marriage of the Prince and Sleeping Beauty was celebrated with a great pomp. And they lived happily until they died.
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