Chapter 3- locked in
A week has passes since grandpa was submitted into the hospital. Things are somehow getting back to normal, I go and see grandpa everyday after school and when I get back Tsumugu has always prepared dinner and we sit there in silence eating. He almost hasn't said a word too me since that night that we slept holding each other. Maybe he's emberessed?
This week has been weird though. I have been getting weird notes in my locker saying I ''need to stay away from him'' Maybe the person is talking about Tsumugu? Now that I think about it Tsumugu's pretty popular. I mean he is kind and kinda good-looking so I guess it's not that in my own thought I didn't hear anything that Tsumugu was saying.
-chisaki, oi chisaki, are you alright?
-ah, uh yes im fine, let's get going to school.
Then he glared at me with those cold eyes of his. Those eyes that could see right through me and as if he knew what I was thinking. But I still sensed some sadness in his eyes, what could he be hiding?
When i walked into my classroom I found a note on my the note it sad : Meet behind the school after 3rd period.
Unsure if I should go or not I decided to go and find out who it was. Maybe it was a confession I said and giggled.
Back then I didn't know how wrong I was. How that meeting was the start of someting big and horrible.
When I arrived behind the school five girls were standing against the wall smoking.
One of them approached me
-You.. you should leave Tsumugu alone , for your own sake
-eeh? Leave Tsumugu alone? What do you mean?
- What I just said... Leave him alone or you will get hurt.
But we live together how am I supposed to leave him alone?
-Haah?! You live together?!we just though that you were flirting with him. Now we can't let you go should just go back to the ocean you stupid sea-monster. You are disgusting , just die.
Unable to defend myself or say anything I just stood there ,taking punches and at last my knees gave in and I fell to the ground.
When I thought I was pretty much unconceous. Then one of the girls suggested that it would be funny to lock me into the storage room. And they did. My body was completely numb so I couldn't get away. As I was laying there in the cold storage room all I could think of was Hikari..
this feels awful It hurts. But what hurt the most wasn't my injuries on the surface, but the ones inside. As i laid there I kept thinking about how if they were still here. How Hikari would've ran here and saved me and threatned to kick their asses if they would come near me again. Hikari was always nice to have around in situations like this. Manaka would probably just start crying if she saw me injured like this and Kaname would get angry. Once again that lonley feeling came through and I felt the tears run down my chin. I'm so hopeless I whispered to myself.
Then I heard footsteps coming closer and and the door opened and someone calling my name. I couldn't make out who it was before I passed out completely.
Then I woke up in the tub. There he was .. Glaring at me with those eyes again.
-You. What happened? How did you get those injuries. I was worried since I hadn't seen you since 3rd period so I went looking for you, Then I saw some shadow in the storage room but I didn't expect to find you there like that. Your ena was almost completely dried up. Who did this to you?
-nothing happened. I just fell alseep in the storage room and tripped thats all..
That's obviously a lie... You have scratch marks and bruises. Who did this to you
I told you nothing happened!
I was surprised at myself... I yelled at him even though he was just being concerned.
Tsumugu was now looking away, I could see that he was angry
-Tsumugu.. I'm sor-
-it doesn't matter.
He stormed out of the bathroom and slammed the door.
I'm such an idiot.. I yelled at him even though he was only worried about me. I just didn't want him to feel sorry for me or feeling that he had to protect me. That's why I couldn't tell him the truth.
Tsumugu's pov:
Why couldn't she just tell me who did this to her? Damn it.. I feel so weak. I want to be ablo to protect her and to stay by her side but why doesn't she let me in? I guess Hikari is still the one who holds a place in her heart. But that will change. I will make Chisaki mine no matter what.