On the one hand, Facebook gives you the unique opportunity to keep in touch with your family or friends no matter how far away you happen to live. The network could be even called psychologically benefiting as it provides comfort for people and preserves their mental health by allowing them to stay close to their beloved ones though not physically but on a higher communication level, as through Facebook you could express your deepest emotions or ask for help in your most difficult moments.
Facebook assures that there will always be somebody you could contact for free no matter how far away they are from you; after all Facebook is also available as a smart phone application, which means that the people you need will see your message on the brink of the moment.
Besides people could find long-lost friends through only typing in their full name or search for them on their mutual acquaintances’ friends lists. Moreover, there are a lot of instances when people found their life partner on Facebook as most of us tend to find it easier to start a chat with a stranger on Facebook – you see the person’s picture, which means that they are not totally unknowns to you, but at the same time you are not standing face to face with them and you will probably not feel that much nervous as you would in a personal meeting or a date.
Another positive side of Facebook is that it can unite people for a specific cause and can encourage them to fight against the evil forces or any other bad mafia.