The status of water quality for a given usage have been expressed using linguistic variables. They are bad (=B),
acceptable (=A), and excellent (=E). These linguistic variables have been expressed by the membership functions of
the input and outputs variables as shown in Figure 2a and Figure 2b. The sustainability of groundwater wells
corresponding to domestic and irrigation have been expressed in linguistic terms such as very bad (=VB), bad (=B),
satisfactory (=S), good (=G), and very good (=VG). Trapezoidal membership functions are chosen for both input
and output variables as they can represent the uncertainties and ambiguities in a much better way (Zimmermann,
1991). In each figure, the horizontal axis represents the normalized scores of sustainability ranging at interval [0, 1],
whereas the vertical axis represents membership grades at interval [0, 1]. In the present study, groundwater quality
was monitored to assess sustainability effects with respect to irrigation and domestic uses. In order to evaluate
overall score at a given sampling well, there is a need to evaluate the rating of all the parameters on the same scale
because all parameters associated with assessment of sustainability may have different measurement units. This
requires linear normalization of the actual measured values with some standard values. The normalized rating of
these parameters can be obtained by introducing a simple linear transformation function (or utility function) as
expressed in equation (1). If C0 is the observed data value of the water quality parameter for a particular usage of a
given well and Cmin and Cmax be the minimum and maximum values of the parameter, Ct be the target value; then its
normalized value CN is calculated as follows:
If Target Value Ct corresponds to an interval [min Ct, max Ct]:
The status of water quality for a given usage have been expressed using linguistic variables. They are bad (=B),acceptable (=A), and excellent (=E). These linguistic variables have been expressed by the membership functions ofthe input and outputs variables as shown in Figure 2a and Figure 2b. The sustainability of groundwater wellscorresponding to domestic and irrigation have been expressed in linguistic terms such as very bad (=VB), bad (=B),satisfactory (=S), good (=G), and very good (=VG). Trapezoidal membership functions are chosen for both inputand output variables as they can represent the uncertainties and ambiguities in a much better way (Zimmermann,1991). In each figure, the horizontal axis represents the normalized scores of sustainability ranging at interval [0, 1],whereas the vertical axis represents membership grades at interval [0, 1]. In the present study, groundwater qualitywas monitored to assess sustainability effects with respect to irrigation and domestic uses. In order to evaluateoverall score at a given sampling well, there is a need to evaluate the rating of all the parameters on the same scalebecause all parameters associated with assessment of sustainability may have different measurement units. Thisrequires linear normalization of the actual measured values with some standard values. The normalized rating ofthese parameters can be obtained by introducing a simple linear transformation function (or utility function) asแสดงในสมการ (1) ว่า C0 ข้อมูลสังเกตค่าของพารามิเตอร์คุณภาพน้ำสำหรับการใช้งานเฉพาะของการให้ดี และ Cmin และ Cmax เป็นค่าต่ำสุด และสูงสุดของพารามิเตอร์ Ct เป็นค่าเป้าหมาย แล้วของคำนวณค่ามาตรฐาน CN เป็นดังนี้:ถ้า Ct ค่าเป้าหมายตรงกับช่วง [นาที Ct, Ct สูงสุด]:
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..