I agree, I been to the Philippines beautiful place especially CEBU & BORACAY but the litter is disgraceful The people say they love their country then prove it, it is not that hard to put garbage in garbage cans or in your pocket and put in the proper waste management area put in your pocket get rid of it later don't throw it on the ground. I do not litter there or in any other country I visit I don't even throw my cigarette butts on the ground I take them to the garbage once I put them out . As for smelly it all depends on where u go not everywhere in the Philippines is dirty and smelly. Until u have visited all of the Philippines , that can not be said that it is all smelly and dirty as there is so many places that is clean. Manila is dirty in a lot of places but not everywhere but I say this what ever garbage or smells may be around I will never stop going back to the Philippines I Love the people I love the place ITS MORE FUN IN THE PHILIPPINES