Volunteer (opt-in) panels
Volunteer (opt-in) panels are similar in
concept to the pre-recruited panels, except
the volunteers are not recruited using a
probability-based method. Rather, participants
choose to participate, perhaps after
coming across a solicitation on a website.
In this regard, volunteer panels are similar
to unrestricted, self-selected surveys except
that those who opt in do so to take a continuing
series of surveys. Harris Interactive
manages such a volunteer panel. Its website
states, ‘You may have become a member
of the Harris Poll Online in one of several
• By registering directly with us through our website
(http://www.harrispollonline.com); or
• By opting in to participate in the Harris Poll Online
as a result of an offering made in conjunction with
one of our many online partners.’
Often these panels are focused on market
research, soliciting consumer opinions about
commercial products, and participants sometimes
do it for monetary incentives. For
example, the Harris website states,
We offer the opportunity to earn HIPoints for
the majority of our studies. On occasion a study
will be conducted that will not have HIPoints
associated with it, but this only occurs in exceptions.
Once you’ve accumulated enough points you may
redeem them for your choice of a variety of great
rewards (www.harrispollonline.com/benefit.asp).