Abortion as defined by Mr. Head in About.com is “the termination of a pregnancy after conception.” It allows women to put an end to their pregnancies but involves killing the undeveloped embryo or fetus. For this reason, I is a very controversial subject in the society. Approximately 42 million abortions were performed worldwide in 2007, resulting in a worldwide abortion rate of 115,000 per day. Among the developing countries, the abortion rate is 83% while in developed countries; the abortion rate is 17%. (Abortion Facts, 2007)
Abortion is the result of critical situations which individuals face, such as rape, health problems, fear from the judgement of society, and unwanted pregnancy.
Rape is a horrible abuse with traumatic effects for many of it victims. For a woman who carries in her womb the baby of her rapist, it is more devastating. Although our culture would give a raped victim “permission” and even encouragement to abort, a victim often commits abortion because adding another violent act to the horrible thing that has already happened to her will only complicate her healing process. A raped woman, who wrote anonymously to a magazine, said that she had an appointment with an abortion expert but canceled it. “I knew that what I had in my entrails was my baby. Now I have a daughter, a precious girl. I thank God daily for not have aborted.” (Abortion Methods and consequences, 2007) Also based on the survey of AGI in the United States, only 0.3% raped women commit abortion.