1. Make a bouquet of pork noodles boiled in a pot with 1 ½ cups water over medium heat. It starts to boil, add pork chops Stir the pork is cooked and distributed as a lump off.
2. Boil the noodles and bean sprouts in a pot in high heat until cooked. Put into a bowl of noodle soup that cooking water by putting it in a bowl of noodles. The Tom Yum soup with pork cooked noodles in a bowl, another bouquet. Handle with pork liver, pork blood, pork, dried shrimp, fish sauce, sugar, chili paste dry cabbage leaves filled with the lemon roasted peanuts. Spoon hot broth, stirring well put across. Pour into a bowl of noodles Sprinkle rabbit hybrids fro Coriander and spring onions Decorate with lemon slices Crescent served hot.