stability, on average. WithRobins (1979), stability classes according to Fig. 2a and a toleratedexceedence probability of 3% (Fig. 5, left), the maximum AODMseparation distance is about 280 m towards SE and about 200 mtowards NW to SW; for 8%, separation distances are about50e100 m lower. LASAT, for an exceedence probability of 3% (Fig. 5,right), delivers a maximum separation distance of more than 500mtowards SE, but a similar maximum separation distance like AODMtowardsWest, encompassing a smaller area. The area of exceedenceof 8% for NW wind is also similar to that of AODM but vanishes forEast wind.The statistical comparison between LASAT and AODM separationdistances derived from Robins (1979) is shown in Fig. 6. For anexceedence probability of 3% (Fig. 6a), LASAT shows a larger rangeof separation distances compared to AODM; with the former, up to550 m can occur, with the latter, only up to 350 m. Two distinctrows of data pairs appear in Fig. 6a: The upper one occurs withNorth to East wind and SW wind, when AODM, up to about 300 m,