Dear madam,
Today morning we have been in your office and you asked us to bring more proof of Krishna being born and grew up in Auroville India. I will attach those documents. I just want to say, actually today is his birthday, he is 18, and trip to Thailand was his birthday present. He completed his exams only yesterday, and we arrived just this morning. As he never had his own visa from France, always it was granted in India, India is his Motherland in spite he is French. the last visa extension was pending from September 2014. To come to Thailand he obtained therefore the Exit visa, and our AV Foundation gave us Recommendation letter for Entry Visa here in Bangkok, they were sure that Krishna's case is special, and one year visa could be granted for him. We are first time in this country. We are travelling with others fellows Aurovillians, and going after few days to Koh TAO island. Dear madame I send you a soft copies of the documents and tomorrow the hard ones.
Pertseva Tetiana
The mother
Of Krishna Balu.